New learning is best derived when informed and experienced through facilitation and training. Adults learn best through an experimental approach, which can be explained By Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle, inspired by the work of Kurt Lewin. This cycle is depicted below:
The four stages of learning are concrete experience, followed by personal reflection on that experience, which leads to abstract conceptualisation where the thinking about the learning occurs, concluding with active experimentation or the doing. So DO, OBSERVE, THINK, PLAN.
Ken uses experimental transformation as the basis for facilitation, learning and training. Ken has facilitated and trained many participants across Perth and greater WA on a wide range of topics, issues and situations. He has co-facilitated Leadership Management Development Programs in Government, and facilitated information on topics including mentoring, supervision, change management, performance improvement and anger management. Ken has recent experience as an educator/facilitator at Relationships Australia, supporting men through issues on anger, parenting after separation and fathering daughters.
Ken encourages participants to reflect on their experience, and engages clients in a supporting, empathetic, respectful and insightful manner. Clients can expect to enjoy the experience, learn from their experience and be excited about their future.